To fill or not to fill - and when is it too much?

To fill or not to fill - and when is it too much?
Angelique Coombe-Heath
September 2022

Do you want to know more on lip filler?

I was recently offered a rare opportunity to be a model for Dr Gwen Evans, a friend, client and work colleague who specializes in medical aesthetics.
I have never shied away from aesthetic intervention, however FILLER has definitely been on my radar of concern. I am seeing far too woman who have taken it that step too far.,

The message below is to encourage ladies to ask questions vs follow the trend and have confidence to acknowledge when it’s enough and when it’s time to back off of the aesthetics, this is based on my personal opinion and feedback so is neither the right or wrong way, but I am hoping with the right education, more woman will focus on enhancing their natural beauty vs taking it to an and extreme to which they are unable to come back from.

Learning from this wonderful woman, I realized that they feel the same way I do!
There are far too many Dr’s out there taking full advantage of women who maybe feel insecure, or self-conscious.
Women are having to be retreated way too soon after their sessions based that Dr’s have injected in the incorrect places, which take the lips from enhanced and natural to pouty and obviously unnatural.

After spending the morning with Dr/ and Dr Gwen I had such a newfound respect for the effect filler can have, I personally had a scar that was always obvious to me but I never thought something like this would really benefit me as it has.

So many of my own clients have enquired, and I have been hesitant to offer advice as I haven’t experienced the treatment personally.

Now I can say;

  • It isn’t the most comfortable experience but Gwen is efficient and goes to all lengths to assure your comfort, so it’s manageable.

  • Less is more, enhancement is key, and ladies regrettably you cannot inject into the infamous “ smokers” lines, this leaves the area looking abnormal and over filled!

  • Restylane and Hyaluronic acid is used in the treatment.
    As a vegetarian I was thrilled to note that the ingredients are natural and plant based and your body will over a period of time break it down


  • The ingredients utilized when administered correctly last up to 9 months so this isn’t a frequent treatment that needs to be done monthly, so if you find yourself returning sooner, please enquire why?

An important lesson to take away from all this, is that it is still; vitally important to take care of your skin, topically and internally!
Nourish yourself before just resorting to a quick fix, ensuring you supplement the body with the right nutrition to aid in elasticity and collagen production. Look for amino acids that are good for your gut health.

You are beautiful just as you are, but if there is a little something that you just can’t seem to see past then sometimes aesthetics’ can be an amazing tool to enhance but never to change the way you look!

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